What do I eat CRNCHI CRNCHE with?


Rice, noodles, dumplings, steamed buns, tofu, scrambled eggs, omelets, grilled chicken, roasted pork, beef stir-fry, vegetable stir-fry, fried rice, sushi, spring rolls, ramen, udon, tempura, pizza, pasta, bruschetta, avocado toast, grilled cheese sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, sweet potato fries, French fries, roasted vegetables, grilled vegetables, salads, soups, stews, chili, nachos, tacos, burritos, quesadillas, enchiladas, empanadas, arepas, pita bread, hummus, crackers, cheese boards, popcorn, pretzels, bagels with cream cheese, yogurt, ice cream, chocolate, fruit salad, paella, biryani, risotto, jambalaya, sushi bowls, fried rice variations, rice pilaf, congee, rice pudding, rice cakes, pho, pad Thai, lo mein, spaghetti carbonara, lasagna, macaroni and cheese, pesto pasta, fettuccine Alfredo, soba noodles, rice noodles, pancakes, waffles, French toast, crepes, muffins, bagels with lox, breakfast burritos, shakshuka, granola, oatmeal, croissants, paninis, subs, BLTs, Reuben sandwiches, club sandwiches, focaccia, naan, roti, pita pockets, wraps, roast chicken, turkey, duck confit, lamb chops, steak, pork ribs, meatloaf, meatballs, sausages, bacon, ham, grilled salmon, shrimp scampi, lobster rolls, crab cakes, fish tacos, sushi rolls, sashimi, clam chowder, oysters, mussels, veggie burgers, falafel, lentil soup, stuffed bell peppers, cauliflower steak, veggie lasagna, tofu scramble, tempeh, seitan, mozzarella sticks, onion rings, nachos, quesadillas, spring rolls, samosas, tapenade, guacamole, salsa, Caesar salad, Greek salad, caprese salad, Cobb salad, quinoa salad, potato salad, coleslaw, pasta salad, tomato soup, chicken noodle soup, beef stew, minestrone, gazpacho, miso soup, curry, gumbo, chowder, borscht, mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, corn on the cob, roasted Brussels sprouts, asparagus, green beans, macaroni salad, potato salad...


Turn a homely ol' microwaved tater into an "A" tier, restaurant class meal.

Picture this culinary mundanity: a perfectly roasted potato, its papery skin crisp and inviting, yet as you take your first bite, the potato's mealy interior is nothing but starchy, bland disappointment. πŸ˜”

Look. You're not in Ireland anymore. This isn't the long winter. You need more than grinding, brutal sustenance. Nobody in your bloodline has had scurvy for hundreds of years. In your world, people eat for fun, eat for health. They want food to taste good! But you. You're stuck with a miserable ol tater. πŸ₯”

What will you do?

Behold. CRNCHI CRNCHE drizzled all over your nutrient delivery device. Its rich, crimson hue glistens enticingly as you spoon it over your food burden. With a satisfying crunch, each bite becomes an burden no more! Yes! A complex symphony of flavors! Mouth-wetting aroma! πŸ’«You are saved from a cruel, hot, white potatoey world.

With CRNCHI CRNCHE, you are euphoric. With every lusty forkful, you savor the marriage of tradition and innovation, where the stodgy potato meets the bold, modern uplifiting vice of CRNCHI CRNCHE.

Microwave potato. Top with CRNCHI CRNCHE.

Brussel Sprouts 😑 With CRNCHI CRNCHE

You are presented with hideous brussel sprouts. A plethora of vitamins awaits you in this food, but the flavor, the smell! The bitterness, sulfurous stench from the glucosinolates and isothiocyanates are revolting. These anti-inflammatory compounds are so beneficial for your health though! After all, they modulate detoxification enzymes regulate cell proliferation and apoptosis! Better eat them! πŸ₯Ί

Enter CRNCHI CRNCHE. transforming this culinary pariah into a Michelin-star-worthy dish. The spices, crispy fried shallots and garlic, counteract the bitterness of the sprouts. The condiment's texture, characterized by its satisfying crunch, contrasts transcendentally with the tenderness of Brussels Sprouts, providing a multi-sensory eating experience.

Additionally, the crispiness adds a tactile pleasure that mushy, soggy Brussels sprouts alone lack. This combination elevates the Brussels sprouts from a horrific eating ordeal to a heavily dish with a complex flavor profile and textural variance.

Microwave, steam or boil brussel sprouts until verdant green. Top with CRNCHI CRNCHE.

Dumplings With CRNCHI CRNCHE

Ah, dumplings. Not that bad! But not that good! 😐 So many kinds: Gyoza, Pierogi, Ravioli, Jiaozi, Mandu, Momo, Pelmeni, Samosa, Empanada, Wonton, Khinkali, Pitepalt, Siomai, Potsticker, Kibbeh, Knish, Modak, Baozi, Shumai, Tortellini. And they all need a sauce. We're not some sort of dumpling fundamentalist purist, some sort of dumpling ivory tower elitist that eats their dumplings plain! No! And neither are you!

CRNCHI CRNCHE not only enhances the flavor of dumplings with its multifaceted scintillating, umami-rich profile but also introduces an alluring textural element. This makies it an utterly superior choice over traditional or more accurately, boring soy sauce or dumpling dips.

The firm crispiness CRNCHI CRNCHE's fried elements juxtaposes delightfully with the soft, often flaccid texture of dumplings, adding an ecstatic crunch with each bite. Finally. Satisfaction. 😌

Microwave, pan fry, steam, or boil dumplings until cooked. Top with CRNCHI CRNCHE.

Chicken Fingers With CRNCHI CRNCHE

Chicken fingers for lunch. Chicken fingers for dinner. Chicken fingers chicken fingers chicken fingers chicken fingers chicken fingers. We have an epidemic in the world of people who only eat chicken fingers. Some even only eat vegan chicken fingers (which are quite good now).

You may be afraid, terrified perhaps of being like these monodiet neophobic individuals. The judgement you'd suffer. The shame! But the chicken fingers... they're so convenient. And they're not bad. In fact, they're pretty good. And convenient. 😬

But you are sophisticated, metropolitan, worldly, perhaps even sagacious and view yourself as a dignified culinary consumer. 🧐 You can't eat the lowly, kid-gobbled chicken finger!

Or can you?

Enter CRNCHI CRNCHE which transforms basic chicken fingers into a gourmet experience. Unlike the straightforward sweetness
or questionable 🀨 tang of traditional dips, CRNCHI CRNCHE's rich chili and tomato base infused with an array of spices, garlic and crispy shallots complements the savory chicken beautifully.

The smokiness! The caramel tinged richness! Look at that subtle vermillion coloring! The tasteful richness of it! Oh my god! It even has antioxidants!

Air fry or bake the chicken fingers. Top with CRNCHI CRNCHE.

Tortilla Chips with CRNCHI CRNCHE

It's time for a girl dinner! But you don't have a spare olive, no block of cheese for your little rodenty paws to grasp, no grape to de-skin, no almond to twirl, and worst of all, no salami 😏. All you have is the leftovers from your take-out lunch. And you ate everything except for the tortilla chips.

You crack open the pathetically sized container of take-out salsa. Gross! It's just salty and slimy! Tastes like toothbrush water! What are you supposed to do? Eat them plain? What? Cook something? 😹That's not cute! That's not a girl dinner! Ew! Why is life is soooooo hard! πŸ“‰

OMG. Thank goodness you ordered that CRNCHI CRNCHE. You drip it all over your chips. You take a bite. JK! No! Camera eats first! Always. You snap a few pics of your hot girl dinner for gram and fire up a livestream for the tok. 6 people are watching. It's your biggest audience ever. Now's your chance yasss go get it girl! Crunch. Crunch. OMG it's a double crunch! CRNCHI CRNCHE meets chips! Crunch so good! Crunch so good! CRNCHI CRNCHE so good! 😩

Voila, your sad chips have been transmogrified into a delectable spicy, savory snack. And you're so cute and hot. Squad! πŸ’…

Put chips on plate. Top with CRNCHI CRNCHE. Life Hack: Microwave chips for five seconds to heat up!